HEFY Studio Reopening Guidelines

effective october 3rd, 2020

We are working diligently to keep our community safe! Learn about our procedures here.

Pre-registration and Waivers Required

  • All students MUST pre-register for class via the MindBody App. This will limit contact during check in and guarantee your spot for class.

  • COVID Waiver is required to be filled out and signed prior to every class that is attended

  • If you register for class and do not show, you will LOSE your class. Class capacity is extremely limited, if you reserve and do not show, we lose the opportunity to give that space to another student. Credit card on file is required.

  • If you are a monthly unlimited member and you reserve a class and do not show, you will be charged a $10 fee. Credit card on file is required.

  • ALL students registered for class MUST arrive 5 minutes prior to class. If you are late you will not be admitted into the studio. This will give the instructor time to check you in, take your temperature, have you fill out your waiver, and set up your mat.

  • Temperature checks will be conducted prior to each class.


  • Students must properly wear a mask (covering nose and mouth) at all times. No exceptions accepted. If failure to comply, you must leave the studio immediately.

  • All students will be required to have their temperature checked prior to class. Any student with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be allowed into the studio.

  • There will be no early admittance into class and please exit the studio promptly after class to allow the instructor ample time to sanitize the studio.

  • Students must bring their own mats and props. There will be no mat rentals or provided props.

  • Please limit the items that you bring into the studio and do not bring anyone who is not pre-registered for class to the studio with you.

  • If you are sick, have traveled to a quarantine labeled state, and/or have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19, please remain at home for 14 days before returning to the studio.

  • Please practice social distancing while you are in the building.

  • Please enter the building 5 minutes before class time and go straight into the studio. Please do not wait in the waiting area.

HEFY's Action Plan

  • HEPA Filters installed in the studio.

  • UV Sanitation lights running before and after each class.

  • Hand Sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be provided.

  • We will thoroughly disinfect and clean all surfaces after classes.

  • All instructors are required to wear masks properly (covering nose and mouth) at all times.

  • Daily health checks monitoring for all of our instructors.

  • All classes will be operating on a modified schedule and at 25% capacity.

  • Class setup will ensure all students are 6 feet apart and practicing social distancing.