High Energy Fusion Yoga One Day Retreat at Empower Yoga Appleton January 6, 2018

             kick off the new year By  immersing yourself in a full day of Yoga for every part of you! 

Full Day Workshop for $97 

Inversions 101   11am-1pm 

This multi level workshop is ideal for students working towards finding confi-
dence and balance while upside down. Here Victoria breaks down the body
mechanics of headstands, handstands and forearm stands from the ground up.

Students will learn fusion of movement patterns from yoga, dance, and gym-nastics that will translate into a stronger and more advanced inversion practice.

While the physical aspect of the inversion is important, Victoria believes that the energetic and spiritual connection with other yogis is the true gift of an in-version practice. Recommended that people have some yoga experience, but inversion experience is not necessary.


Hips and Hamstring Workshop 2pm-4pm

Have you ever wondered why it was so difficult to touch your toes, do a split, or hip opening pose? We will dig into the hips and hamstrings with a two hour workshop that features our signature HEFY warm up flow, creative sequences and peak postures, and mobility exercises designed to strengthen and activate the muscles needed to perform those postures. This workshop is designed for all levels of practitioner. Students will leave the workshop with a game plan to improve the existing mobility in their hips and hamstrings. Armed with this knowledge and consistent practice, mobility and stiffness will be greatly improved and advanced postures like splits and lotus will become more accessible and comfortable.


Yin Yoga and Aromatherapy 5pm-7pm

Yin and Aromatherapy.
Sooth aching muscles and calm a busy mind with our Yin Yoga and Aromatherapy workshop. Yin yoga is slow form of yoga that is done completely on the ground. Postures are held for longer periods of time (2min-5min) in order to promote gentle elongation of muscles and fascia. We will also be incorporating soothing scents into the practice to calm the mind and create a tranquil environment where you can unwind. Yin yoga is a wonderful bridge to seated meditation as it gently engages the body and asks the practitioner to turn inward and find stillness.