Hips and Hamstrings Unraveled-We've Added Spaces

Have you ever wondered why it was so difficult to touch your toes, do a split, or hip opening pose? We will dig into the hips and hamstrings with a two hour workshop that features our signature HEFY warm up flow, creative sequences and peak postures, and mobility exercises designed to strengthen and activate the muscles needed to perform those postures. This workshop is designed for all levels of practitioner. Students will leave the workshop with a game plan to improve the existing mobility in their hips and hamstrings. Armed with this knowledge and consistent practice, mobility and stiffness will be greatly improved and advanced postures like splits and lotus will become more accessible and comfortable. 

Are you a certified yoga teacher? This workshop is registered as continuing education with the yoga alliance and is eligible for 2 continuing education hours. 

Date: October 8, 2017

Time: 12PM-2PM

Location: 95B Dell Glen Ave, Lodi NJ

Cost: $40.00 after 10/6/2017

*Due to demand and space considerations all workshops are non-refundable. We thank you for your help in keeping our prices low.

WE ARE SOLD OUT FOR GLOWGA 5.0!!!!! See you next time!

Email victoria@highenergyfusionyoga.com to be added to the waiting list

Glowga 5.o is back!!! 

teachers: Victoria, Laura, gabriella

When: March 2, 2018

Time: 6:30-9PM (body painting from 6:30-7:15PM)

Where: High Energy Fusion Yoga 

            95B dell glen ave, lodi NJ


Our most popular workshop! Students will body paint, dress up, and groove to a glow in the dark flow class that features fun partner poses, inversions, and dancing! This workshop is open to all levels and is a wonderful way to try yoga in a non-intimidating environment.


*workshops are non-refundable. Thank you for helping us keep our prices low. 

 Sunday October 14,2018  From 12:30-2:30 PM

Location: High Energy Fusion Yoga 95B Dell Glen Ave, Lodi NJ

Cost: $30.00

Workshops are non-refundable. Thank you for helping us keep our prices low. 


Do you remember when you learned to walk? You practiced for hours a day and tried a variety of different strategies to help you achieve your goal. This Journey to Handstand Workshop is based on that process. You will learn a variety of techniques to increase strength, shoulder mobility, wrist mobility, core engagement, and body awareness so that the journey to handstand seems less daunting. 

Covered in this workshop:

  • Mobility techniques

  • Breathing

  • Entrances to handstand

  • Exit strategies and the art of falling

  • Mindfulness techniques to train your attention