The High Energy Fusion Yoga Scholarship Series
Celebrate the arrival of summer with a signature hefy class and a sound bath meditation
June 22, 2019 1:00-3:00PM
1:00-2:00 PM HEFY Signature Yoga Class with Victoria
2:00- 2:30 PM Q&A Session for teacher training 2020 with Gabriella Dondero or Shop for some new HEFY gear!
2:30- 3:00PM Sound Bath with crystal bowls and guided meditation with Victoria and Gabriella
Join us for a fun filled day of yoga, Sound, and shopping! 100% of every dollar donated for the classes and apparel sold at the event will be donated to the yoga teacher training scholarship funD.
Help us make someone's Dream Come true!
100% of your $25.00 goes to our scholarship fund! All tickets to the event are non-refundable. Thank you for helping us make someone’s dream come true!