Five Tips for Better Yoga:

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Want to improve your yoga practice, but not seeing progress in your traditional yoga class? It’s not uncommon! Lots of people try yoga classes and never come back. The class hurts, or moves too slowly, or is difficult to follow. Luckily, there are some things you can do to make your yoga practice more productive and enjoyable. Read on!

Five Tips to make yoga classes work!

1. Do not go to class when you are utterly exhausted. Many athletes use yoga classes as a “recovery” day. If you have burnt out every major muscle group in your body, you will not get the maximum benefits from your yoga practice. Sore? Ok. Achy? Ok. Utterly drained? Take a warm bath and get some acupuncture, cupping, or a massage.

2.Take a FUSION yoga class. I know this seems self serving, but really High Energy Fusion Yoga classes were built for people who need different types of movement to feel ease and strength in their body. Our classes use weights, different types of stretching modalities, and creative sequencing to help you get where YOU need to be. YOU, not an eight year old contortionist.

3. Use the few minutes that you arrive early to class to focus on stretching and warming up areas in your body that are feeling achy or stiff. Your yoga instructor has planned a class for an entire group. Only YOU know how you are feeling in any given moment, so don’t chance that the instructor is working on hips and hamstrings, when you need chest and shoulder stretches. USE YOUR TIME. Grab some props and get to work. This way you make sure that every class you attend addresses what your body needs. 

4.  Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparison is the theft of joy. Take inspiration from the people around you who are floating up into handstands or down into splits but remember that they were once starting out too. Just as you may admire their skill, more than likely they admire you equally for stepping onto that yoga mat and prioritizing your wellness. 

5. FIT- Frequency, Intensity, Time. This is an old fitness acronym that holds a lot of truth. Going to a yoga class once a week is great, but twice is better. Want to change your body? Aim for three times a week. Try it for two months and see how you feel. DEDICATE YOURSELF TO YOUR WELLBEING. High Energy Fusion Yoga is priced so that you come often. We make sure that our classes are worth the time you carve out to practice. We have classes in studio, live streamed, and ON-DEMAND. Frequency is no longer an obstacle. 

So ask yourself, are you ready to get better at yoga?